Sunday, May 22, 2011

blooms, paintings and an over achieving christmas cactus.

we've got blooms!!!

 and paintings...
scilla  12"x12"x 1.5"

toad lily 12"x12"x1.5"

hibiscus 18"x18"x1.5"  (it's redder in real life (not as orange)
clematis 18"x18"x 1.5"  (purple is darker in real life)
leaf 3"x5"x .5"

my camera doesn't like to pick up the right reds or purples.  the play on the other colours in the paintings seem to throw the colour lense off.   the apple blooms will be the next painting on the easel!

my very over achieving christmas cactus which made me smile. 

happy long weekend, rain or shine!
until next time.

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