Wednesday, January 26, 2011

the big b

this is beatrice my kiln, yes i name my kiln, i figure anything that i will be having that much of a relationship with should have a name.  so i asked her what her name is and beatrice is what i got.  big b for short.  :)

as anyone who does clay work, it's the anticipation of opening the kiln up after a glaze firing that's so exciting.  to see after weeks of hard work how everything is going to look. 

almost.... almost....

taaaadaaaa!!!! a successful firing!  :-D

now to fill b back up with greenware and start the whole process again.  fun times.  :)

oh and just because i love where i live a couple of pictures of the back yard.  :)

until next time,
nom xo


  1. beautiful, I love where you live too!

  2. I so know that...*HOLD YOUR BREATH* *LIFE THE LID WITH EYES CLOSED* *open one* ok? now open the other. WHEW!


  3. life...but you knew that...
